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2018 Next Stage Roadshow Tokyo

Global Events

Tencent Japan 2018 Next Stage Roadshow Tokyo

Global Events

Project Background

Tencent is one of the world’s largest investment corporations. Founded in 1998, Tencent is also known as one of the world's leading internet and technology companies. Leveraging IT expertise by using strategic investments, the company quickly expanded throughout a multitude of countries. Tencent has further grown to become a mainstay in the IT industry, becoming a premier global internet services company.

Tencent Japan holds its roadshow every two years, in the same venue. This event was first held in 2014, where it focused on the introduction of Tencent and its capabilities. Since, every other year, Tencent Japan hosts this event every other year to accentuate Tencent's growth and development while offering opportunities for potential partnerships for future prospects and advancements.

Let me introduce Tencent.

Our Solution

Eidetic Marketing was contracted to manage this roadshow in 2018. With the theme of 'The Next Stage,' signifying Tencent's growth and development, Eidetic Marketing offered a total event solution; designing key visuals, brands and activating the event. The event was meant to be held as a private VIP event and Eidetic Marketing best utilized the given space to offer an engaging experience for these VIP invitees. We provided:

- Key visual design, along with the fabrication of brand applications
- Development of the key concept 'The Next Stage' and appropriate utilization of this concept throughout the design
- HR management, on-site administration for fluid event progression
- Efficient use of limited space for an optimal experience for VIPs