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2019 Gold Award in Wuzhen

eSports Events / Global Events

Blizzard Entertainment 2019 Gold Award in Wuzhen

eSports Events / Global Events

Project Background

Blizzard Entertainment is a premier publisher of entertainment software. Since establishing the Blizzard label in 1994, the company has quickly become one of the most popular and well-respected makers of computer games. Most recently, the company has earned monumental followings through titles like StarCraft 2, Hearthstone, and Overwatch. With numerous popular game titles in eSports leagues around the world and a huge streaming and gaming community behind them, Blizzard China wanted to hold an annual awards Ceremony to commemorate these loyal fans.

This would be an annual awards ceremony for Blizzard China Gold League Finals and Blizzard community creators and influencers. The two day event needed to cover the final matches for all 7 competitive titles, and transition into an award ceremony for Blizzard community influencers, all while giving attendees the opportunity to interact and enjoy the Blizzard World which they had fallen in love with over the years.

Blizzard Annual Gold Award
- Date: 2020.01.03-04 (2 Days)
- Venue: Game Grand Theatre, Wuzhen, Zhejiang, China
- Titles: Starcraft 2, Warcraft 3, WoW, Overwatch and so on
- Programs: Final Match, Award Ceremony, Blizzard World Scavenger Hunt

Related Keywords
#Branding Marketing # Experiential Marketing #Event Marketing #Marketing Agency #Brand Marketing Agency #Marketing Consulting #Global Event #Global Branding #Global PR #Global Experience Marketing

Executed Region
#China, Wuzhen

Our Solution

In order to encourage activity and engagement, eight missions were devised for the attendees to complete. These external interactive missions focused on finding the correct attractions within the Blizzard World by utilizing the map. The turnout was great and all who took part in the missions had a blast!

Since the awards stage and the stage for the Grand Finals were one in the same, a multipurpose stage was needed to transition between games and awards. After the matches concluded on the 3rd of January, the stage was altered to suit the awards ceremony. Guidance was also provided to attending influencers for everything from costume preparation, hotels and even the red carpet proceedings.

- Event Marketing Strategy & Event Branding
- Dynamic Content Management
- Live Streaming & Physical Sets
- Attendance: 1,832 invited Attendees, 200 Influencers
- Viewership: 4,000,000+ live viewers across online channels
- eSports Planning & Broadcasting in collaboration w/ VSPN